Outline of consortium
In order to fulfill our mission as academic organizations, we have established a scholarly association, the CONSORTIUM, on emergency medical service system and disaster medical response system undergoing the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games (the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020). Current organizations consists of following 29 associations: the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, the Japanese Association for the Surgery of Trauma, the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine, the Japanese Society for Clinical Toxicology, the Japanese Society for Burn Injuries, the Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine, the Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing, the Tokyo Medical Association, Japan Pediatric Society, Japanese Society of Clicnical Sports Medicine, Nihon AED Zaidan, The Japanese Society of Reanimatology, Japanese association of First aid and Emergency Medicine, Japanese Society for Aeromedical Services, The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases, Japan Surgical Society, Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Contro The Japanese Orthopaedic Associationl, Japan Society for Prehospital Medicine, The Japan Society of NEUROTRAUMATOLOGY, The Japan Academy of Critical care Nursing, Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists, The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology, The Japan Prehospital Trauma Evaluation and Care Council, Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Japan EMT School Association, The Japan Resuscitation Council, The Japanese Circulation Society. We are planning to positively call for related associations to participate the consortium in the future.
Guidebook of Medical Response
during Mass Gathering Event
This guidebook is a compilation of approximately 60 recommendations, guidelines, and guidance for medical treatment, first aid, and training for physicians, nurses, first responders, volunteers, and citizens. This has been disseminated and organized by the Consortium through this website over more than six years since its establishment in 2016. We hope you will find it useful in establishing medical systems for mass gathering events.
Click here to download(PDF Format,ZIP:About 90MB)What's New
- [UPDATED from the Consortium] Message of Joint Committee for the Emergency Medical Service System and Disaster Medical Responce System
The Academic Consortium on Emergency Medical Service and Disaster Medical Response Plan during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020(AC2020) published a review article in Acute Medicine & Surgery.
AC2020 Review article Activity reports from each organization
- [The Japanese Orthopedic Association] "Inpatient Orthopedic Care during Mass Casualty Incidents, MCI"
- [The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology] "Symposium in AC2020, organized by the Disaster Support Committee at The 116th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology"
- [AC2020] "Supports provided by a first responder at a venue under the influence of COVID-19 epidemic"
- [AC2020] "Academic recommendations for a fever-patient-flow-line in a medical office at a venue, a necessity of conducting inspections, and a specific use of PPE"
- [AC2020] "Guideline for Conducting Training Sessions in Emergency and Disaster Medicine during COVID-19 pandemic"
- [AC2020] "Guideline for Conducting Training Sessions in Emergency and Disaster Medicine during COVID-19 pandemic" (Tentative Version)
- [Japan Pediatric Society] "ONLINE QQ; Kodomo QQ Kids Emergency"
[Urgent Notification from the Consortium]
As a result of a phone conversation held on the night of March 24, 2020, among the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Yoshiro Mori the Chairman of the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee, and Thomas Bach the President of International Olympic Committee, the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games has been postponed due to the current global situation. They will be discussing with a possibility of holding the event by the summer of 2021 at the latest. As a result, the JOC has decided to temporarily suspend the training sessions for the staffs' and volunteers' roles at venues, in which we, this consortium have been developing educational materials and programs and coordinating instructors. - [UPDATED from the Consortium] Activities of response to COVID-19 by AC2020
[Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Control] Instructional video in countermeasure for imported infectious disease
"To prevent an outbreak: Infection control measure we all can start and deal with" - [Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists] Guideline of in-hospital response for mass casualty incident: the final version
- [Special Research in Health and Labor Sciences] Request for cooperation to the questionnaire survey, "FOURTH GENERATION AGENTS: MEDICAL MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES (in a tentative Japanese translation)"
- [Special Research in Health and Labor Sciences] for reference: FOURTH GENERATION AGENTS: MEDICAL MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES(January 2019)
- [Special Research in Health and Labor Sciences] FOURTH GENERATION AGENTS: MEDICAL MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES(updated: January.18.2019.)(in Japanese translation)
- "Memorial Symposium for Rugby World Cup 2019TM in Japan: From 2019 to 2020" will be held on Dec.12.2019.
The medical staff training for the athletes in the venue has been started by the program created by the consortium.
(Kyodo News) https://a.msn.com/r/2/BBXeZ0T?m=ja-jp&referrerID=InAppShare
(NEWS24 NIPPON TV) http://www.news24.jp/articles/2019/11/24/07550065.html
(NEWS tv asahi) https://news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_society/articles/000169987.html
- The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine had a Committee organized, panel discussion in "Activities and issues for the Academic Consortium on Emergency Medical Service and Disaster Medical Response Plan during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020".
- The Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine had a symposium session in "Emergency and disaster medical system for international mass gatherings events".
- [Japanese Association for Acute Medicine] Committee visit report on heat stroke and hypothermia.
- Japanese Society for Burn Injuries updated "Survey on the current state of medical care for severe burns, Heisei 30th" supported by Administrative Promotion for Survey of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.
- [Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases] Response to Inbound Infectious Diseases, For Tokyo 2020 Games: Infectious Diseases Quick Reference
- [Japanese Orthopaedic Association] Questionnaire result about correspondence at the time of genital injury injury.
- The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games updated the 2020 Test Event Calendar, upon July 2.
[UPDATED from the Consortium]
The curriculum and program for the knowledge and skills training necessary for medical staff during the event have been started. - The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games announced Olympic Competition Schedule.
- The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games updated the 2020 Test Event Calendar, ver. 3.
[Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing, The Japan Academy of Critical care Nursing, Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine , Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Control,
Japanese association of First aid and Emergency Medicine]
Guidelines for nurses at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics -
National Center for Global Health and Medicine posted a report from Seminar in "Preparing for health crises and medical care for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics".
[Click below to download the report] http://kyokuhp.ncgm.go.jp/library/other_doc/index.html -
【UPDATED from the Consortium】
We began developing a curriculum and a program to obtain knowledge/skills for medical staffs working during the 2020 Olympic Games. - Download here for [The Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine (JSEM)] Guideline of ”Health Care for Foreign Visitors” Version 1
- Download here for [The Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine (JSEM)] Guideline of ”Heatstroke” Version 1
- Download here for [The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine (JSICM)] Guidance of Preparation and Response in Intensive Care Unit for Disaster
- Download here for updated Objective-Based Criteria for Medical and First Respond Staffs at Venues in Mass-gathering Events (recommended by the Consortium Version 2) AC2020
- Information for [The Japanese Society for Aeromedical Services] Lecture by International Speaker on “Prehospital Emergency Care in Tokyo Olympic 2020: London HEMS prehospital emergency medical services.
- Information for [The Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine] 10th Seminar for Medical Staffs on International Transfer.
- Download here for [The Japanese Association for the Surgery of Trauma] Guideline for Treating Gunshot Wounded/Blast Trauma Patients. Ver. 1.
- As been held in [Tokyo Medical Association] Seminars on Medical Strategy for Disaster 20180908
Download here for Textbook for EMS Instructors in Restraining Hemorrhage for Strategy against Terrorism Attack. Fire and Disaster Management Agency. Mar. 2018.
http://www.fdma.go.jp/neuter/about/shingi_kento/h29/kyukyu_arikata/04/shiketsu_shidou.pdf - Information for Objective-Based Criteria for Medical and First Responding Staffs in Venues of Mass-gathering Events. Recommended by the Consortium, Version 1. AC2020.
- Statement for Constructing Medical and First Responding System in Event-site during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020. AC2020.
- As been held in 40th Conference of the Japanese Society for Clinical Toxicology. Symposium on The Society and Tokyo 2020 Consortium.
- As been held in 21st Conference of the Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine. Symposium on Medical Strategy for Foreigners during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.
As been reported in The Japanese Circulation Society and the AED Foundation of Japan posted “Eliminating Sudden Death while Exercise”.
Proposal: [The AED Foundation of Japan] Eliminating Sudden Death while Exercise
Flyer: [The AED Foundation of Japan] Eliminating Sudden Death while Exercise
Statement from The Academic Consortium on Emergency Medical Service and Disaster Medical Response Plan during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020, based on the Guideline for Medical and First Responding Plan on Mass-gathering Events organized by Tokyo Metropolitan by Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Welfare Bureau, April 2009.
Download here for Reference: The Guideline for Medical and First Responding Plan on Mass-gathering Events organized by Tokyo Metropolitan by Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Welfare Bureau, April 2009. -
Download here for Statement on Necessity for Multi-Agency Coordination Center for Medical and First Response System at Mass-gathering Events.
Guideline for Medical and First Response Plan. MACS Proposal.
- As been reported in The Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine reported the results of surveys on resources in intensive care units in venue prefectures.
- As been reported in The Japanese Society for Burn Injuries prepared brochures for Survey Results on Treating Severe Burn Injuries, supported by Health, Labor and Welfare Administration Propulsion Research Project 2017.
As been reported in The Consortium appeared in a Newspaper.
Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 25. 2018. “Door to Science: Preparing for Unexpected; Cyber Attacks on Olympics” - As been reported in The Kick-Off Symposium of the Consortium will be briefly introduced on TV program, NHK SHUTOKEN NETWORK for approximately 3 to 4 minutes between 6:10 – 7:00PM, Friday, Nov. 10.
- We uploaded forn Presentation materials from the Kick-Off Symposium of the Consortium has been uploaded.
- The application form to attend at the Kick-Off Symposium is here (a new page will be opened).
- The poster for the Kick-Off Symposium, Nov. 3. 2017, is here (a PDF will be shown).
- We have released our web site.
Event News
- The 23rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Disaster MedicineFebruary 2, 2018
Emergency / disaster medical system at the Tokyo Olympic Games - Kick-off SymposiumNovember 3, 2017 at 10:00-16:00 Yasuda Auditorium, The Unversity of Tokyo
Learn from the Emergency Medical Services during London Olympic and Paralympic Games - The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine(Osaka)October 24, 2017 at 14:05
ImpEmergency Medical System at the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games